The 2 lesser-known Advantages of Gamification

The term gamification has been on everyone’s lips for some time. He points out that games can also be used sensibly outside of well-known video games, for example for teaching. Learning playfully and using the latest digital developments – who wouldn’t want to be a part of this trend?
The term gamification was coined by the British programmer Nick Pelling in 2002 and describes the application of gaming elements from the entertainment sector to non-playful – for example didactic – contexts. 1 In the following, a study will be discussed that examines the extent to which gamification has found its way into education. Concrete possible applications have then been described that show how gamification can be used and become effective.
Advantage 1: Better learning outcomes
Learning becomes more productive thanks to gamification: This is the opinion of 87 per cent of those surveyed in a study by the website This is partly due to the fact that playful elements require independent action: e-learning becomes interactive – and actions are better remembered than pure theory. Duolingo gamification is a perfect example of this. And there is another reason why gamification improves the learning effect: This was found out at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich 7: One hundred students took on the role of warehouse workers in an experiment. Half were taught in the traditional way, the other half using e-learning with playful elements. The second group was able to achieve significantly better results. The initiator of the study attributes this to the perception aroused by gamification that the task has a personal meaning for the participants. They are much more motivated to tackle them and finish with the best possible results.
Advantage 2: increase motivation
Complete the level, get the most points, and be first on the leaderboard – gamification provides an effective motivational boost. And in many ways. E-learning with playful elements is preferred to classic courses and it is more fun than frontal teaching by a coach or trainer anyway. As the game progresses, gamification increases the desire to keep getting better. The method also has positive effects on the company: You increase the motivation to perform better. Because they show that the company is making an effort to make e-learning attractive for employees. And because learning is not a must that is done with grudging teeth – so hardly any knowledge sticks – but is fun and the e-learning lesson is gladly completed.
Have you already integrated gamification into your e-learning? If not, it’s high time to do so. Playful features let you make boring topics engaging. This is a stylistic device that you shouldn’t do without. However, when integrating gamification, make sure that you address your target group in the best possible way. And: Gamification must always have added value for the user. This can be a reward system in which the best participants receive a bonus. Unlike serious games, gamification doesn’t mean the whole course is literally a game. Use gamification sparingly. One or two elements are often enough to increase motivation and learning fun, increase creativity and achieve better results.